



远程学习 Program 历史了


  • 在大师平查斯·祖克曼的开创性设想下,newbb电子首次在美国主要音乐学院开设了音乐视频会议项目, then president Marta Casals Istomin, 以及克里斯蒂安·奥尔托.
  • 在巴黎举行的第一次国际视频会议上,作曲家亨利·迪蒂勒在他的作品《newbb电子》的纽约首映式上出现在巴黎波登礼堂, 埃斯佩斯, movement as performed by the Manhattan School of Music Philharmonia.


  • 通过国际视频会议授予姆斯蒂斯拉夫·罗斯特罗波维奇和克拉克·特里荣誉博士学位——玛尔塔·伊斯托明总统在埃维昂现场授予大师姆斯蒂斯拉夫·罗斯特罗波维奇和爵士小号手克拉克·特里荣誉博士学位, France via videoconference during the 71st commencement exercises.
  • Pinchas Zukerman offers master class to Hong Kong for students at the Academy of Performing Arts. Isaac Stern is in attendance.


  • 创建米莎·埃尔曼远程学习中心-支持视频会议音乐程序和应用程序的增长和发展, the Elman 远程学习 Center is established. 该中心在一个独一无二的虚拟音乐工作室中加入了21世纪技术能力的音乐学院音乐工作室的美学传统.

“Through distance learning, 年轻的, 有抱负的音乐家可以拓宽他们的视野,并吸收来自全球艺术家教育工作者的音乐影响和思想.”

Chair of the Graduate Program in 管弦乐表现 at Manhattan School of Music; former concertmaster, New York Philharmonic (1980-2014)


  • Manhattan School of Music establishes a 远程学习 Partnership with New York City School system, to exp和 its Arts-in-Education program, 音乐教, to underserved students in the five boroughs.


  • Manhattan School of Music becomes affiliate member of Internet2, the national research 和 education consortium dedicated to creating next generation Internet applications.
  • “教育中的艺术与虚拟课堂”成为第一门为学生提供设计综合训练的选修课程, 创建, 并通过视频会议向美国各地的教室提供互动式教育推广项目.


  • Manhattan School of Music presents first Webcast, 音乐互动, featuring Maestro Zukerman conducting an orchestral reading of the Elgar String Serenade, Op. 20, with student string chamber orchestra.


  • newbb电子与Polycom合作开发了专为现场直播设计的“音乐模式”视频会议技术, 音乐教育, 和交互.
  • In collaboration with the National Arts Centre of Canada, Manhattan School of Music launches Manhattan on the Rideau, 一系列互动视频会议爵士大师班,由男同性恋者教师艺术家与才华横溢的加拿大学生组成. The series has included presenters such as Kenny Barron, 兰迪Brecker就, Stefon哈里斯, Vijay艾耶, 和杰森·莫兰.


  • newbb电子与上海音乐学院建立了首个中美音乐远程学习项目
  • Manhattan School of Music constructs fiber optic network connected to Internet2 via 哥伦比亚大学
  • Manhattan School of Music 远程学习 Director receives IDEA Award, Internet2 Driving Exemplary Applications, Interactive Music Education
  • Manhattan School of Music 远程学习 Program connects to Seoul, 韩国举办首届国际学生表演,男同性恋者学生在首尔为他们的朋友和家人现场表演

“The value of videoconferencing for teaching is obvious. If I can’t physically be there, at least students can get something of value from my comments 和 examples. There is also the dramatic effect of the medium itself which has positive inspirational value….”

Manhattan School of Music Jazz Saxophone 教师, NEA Jazz Master


  • Manhattan Connects: An Internet2 Conference for New York’s Cultural Institutions. In collaboration with Internet2, 哥伦比亚大学, 和Nysernet, MSM为纽约的文化机构举办了一场会议,讨论威廉R艺术先进网络的力量和潜力. 艾琳·D. 米勒演奏厅.


  • Manhattan School of Music 远程学习 inaugurates live web streaming of student concerts from The William R. 艾琳·D. 米勒演奏厅.


  • 在梅隆礼堂举行的颁奖典礼上,newbb电子远程学习项目被评为2009年计算机世界荣誉获奖者, 华盛顿, D.C.
  • Manhattan School of Music 远程学习 launches 全球音乐学院, a new initiative aimed at connecting with institutions around the world to engage in group lessons, 私人指令, 以及集体指导, as well as academic 和 professional seminars, with MSM’s world-renowned faculty.


  • newbb电子远程学习合作伙伴与InstantEncore呈现大师班与著名男中音托马斯汉普森作为一个经典音乐事件的第一个实时视频流横跨iPhone/iPod touch应用程序.


  • Manhattan School of Music 和 Polycom, Inc. build on their decade-long relationship 和 sign a strategic partnership agreement that, among other important points, 扩展了宝利通网络,该网络为远程学习项目提供了更广泛的服务,使更多的学生能够在美国和世界范围内学习, 从而确保所有年龄段的儿童,无论其社会经济地位或地理位置如何,都有机会接受一流的艺术教育.
  • newbb电子和澳大利亚国立大学宣布建立国际远程学习合作伙伴关系,利用最先进的音乐视频会议设施和互联网2的高速网络进行一对一的课程,形成独特的合作关系, 针对, 总体指导, professional development sessions, virtual staff 和 student exchanges, 和 collaborative research into best practice in music performance 和 education over long distances.
  • newbb电子推出了一个新的在线数字图书馆,可以即时访问远程学习项目中所有过去事件的大量视频档案, 类, 和教训.


  • newbb电子推出虚拟音乐工作室试点项目,旨在通过桌面会议接触家庭学习者.

“Thank you for providing this experience for my students….It provided a better focus to topics that we had already implemented.”



  • MSM与内布拉斯加州艺术委员会和教育服务单位协调委员会合作,创建了一种新的远程学习模式,其中以学分为基础的音乐教学向内布拉斯加州的学生提供.


  • MSM launches its official YouTube channel, featuring 7 seasons of Thomas Hampson Voice Master Class video excerpts 和 receiving nearly 25,3个月的点击量达到了5000次. Coupled with its Facebook 和 Twitter presence, the 远程学习 Program is now fully engaged in social media.
  • newbb电子远程学习项目建立了一个捐赠基金“newbb电子Melos远程学习创新基金”,该基金来自Ervika基金会的基石礼物.


  • MSM远程学习宣布了数字学者计划,使学生能够在全球K-12教室培训和教授音乐课程.
  • MSM远程学习首次使用LOLA技术来支持汉普松基金会的“对话中的歌曲:与密歇根大学音乐学院合作的学习表演”, 戏剧和舞蹈.Through direct fiber optic connections, audio 和 video signals take 20 milliseconds to travel from MSM to Michigan, enabling near perfect real-time interaction.


  • 远程学习计划扩展为一种混合学习模式,整合了一个新的学习管理系统- Kannu -专门为创意艺术教育设计和开发的.


  • MSM 远程学习 webcasting series exp和s to include Facebook LIVE streaming, providing greater access to global arts learning. First fully online social science course offered to MSM students.


  • MSM 远程学习 scales use of Canvas Learning Management System to entire MSM faculty 和 student body.


  • MSM开始设计和开发新的表演艺术专业在线学位完成计划,预计将于2020年推出.

“This video conference was very engaging, educational 和 interesting for both the students 和 the adults. My students learned a great deal about China 和 were blogging about their experience after they left!”

Palermo Elementary School (NY)


